Apache Solr 9.8.0 released | ニュース | KandaSearch


Apache Solr 9.8.0 released


投稿日: 2025年01月27日


Official source: https://solr.apache.org/news.html#apache-solrtm-980-available

The Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Solr 9.8.0.

Solr is the blazing-fast, open source, multi-modal search platform built on Apache Lucene. It powers full-text, vector, analytics, and geospatial search at many of the world's largest organizations. Other major features include Kubernetes and docker integration, streaming, highlighting, faceting, and spellchecking.

Solr 9.8.0 is available for immediate download at:


Solr 9.8.0 Release Highlights

  • The Solr Cross-DC Project has graduated from the sandbox repository into the Solr project as a supported capability.
  • Requests can specify the 'memAllowed' parameter to halt requests that have exceeded this amount of memory (similar to timeAllowed but for memory).
  • New knn_text_to_vector query parser that encodes query text into a vector (AKA "embedding") via external LLM services.
  • New ParallelHttpShardHandlerFactory for reducing distributed-search latency in collections with many shards. This is not used by default.
  • Cluster properties can now be listed or read individually using new v2 APIs ("GET /api/cluster/properties" and "GET /api/cluster/properties/propName")
  • SolrJ CloudSolrClient now performs reasonably when configured with Solr URLs, which is increasingly going to be preferred over ZK URLs. Some big performance improvements occurred this release.
  • Shard splits now support indexes with nested documents.
  • "<lib/>" tags in solrconfig.xml are now quietly ignored by default unless explicitly enabled with the SOLR_CONFIG_LIB_ENABLED=true environment variable (or corresponding sysprop)
  • multiThreaded=true no longer risks rejected exceptions under load. But you may need to increase the thread pool to more fully utilize a machine than previously.

Please refer to the Upgrade Notes in the Solr Ref Guide for information on upgrading from previous Solr versions:


Please read CHANGES.txt for a full list of new features, changes and bug-fixes:


Thanks to all contributors:

David Smiley, Eric Pugh, Jason Gerlowski, Houston Putman, Sanjay Dutt, Andrzej Bialecki, Christos Malliaridis, Aparna Suresh, Pierre Salagnac, Gus Heck, hossman, Rahul Goswami, Jan Høydahl, Bruno Roustant, Uwe Schindler, Mark Miller, Alessandro Benedetti, Tim Owens, Carlos Ugarte, Matthew Biscocho, shalin, Paul McArthur, Mathieu Marie, Haythem Khiri, James Dyer, Zack Kendall, Shawn Heisey, Stephen Zhou, Christine Poerschke, Alexander Zagniotov, Martin Anzinger, Peter Kroiss, Andrey Bozhko, Anshum Gupta

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