In Apache Solr's managed-schema.xml, setting a field as a dynamicField allows flexibility in field names. Let's explain with a specific example. Suppose you set up the following dynamicField in managed-schema.xml:
<dynamicField name="*_s" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<dynamicField name="*_sm" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
The field name (specified by 'name') of a dynamicField must always include one asterisk(*) as shown above (the field name is specified to start or end with an asterisk). Then, suppose you specify the field name as follows during searching or indexing:
(Specifying a query expression in the q parameter during searching)
By doing this, in Apache Solr, even if there is no field specification like domain_s, since the first setting of dynamicField name="*_s" matches by pattern matching, it will be interpreted as a string type with indexed="true" and stored="true".
Similarly, by performing the following search, it will interpret tags_sm as a string type with multiple values:
(Specifying a query expression in the q parameter during searching)
q=tags_sm:colorful OR tags_sm:cool