Creating and Managing Instances

Here, we will explain how to create and manage Apache Solr instances.

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KandaSearch Instances

In KandaSearch, 'Instances' typically refer to 'Apache Solr instances', unless otherwise specified.
Instances are the tangible components of search engines, where collections are added within created instances. Documents are then registered (indexed) within collections for search operations.
One of the significant features of KandaSearch is the ability to easily create and manage instances.

In KandaSearch, with the Enterprise plan, it is also possible to utilize SolrCloud, which is composed of multiple nodes.
If you wish to use SolrCloud configuration, please contact us for Contact.
For instances created with SolrCloud configuration, various operations can be performed from the KandaSearch management console, similar to standalone configurations.

Instances and Pricing

The performance, features, and pricing of instances vary depending on the plan. In KandaSearch, you can choose from the following plans. Please select the appropriate plan based on your usage and needs.

  • Community (Free to use)
  • Standard - Entry
  • Standard - Pro
  • Standard - Elite
  • Enterprise (SolrCloud configuration available)

Please check the details of performance, features, and pricing in the Pricing page.

Please note that a credit card is required for payment.
Payment via invoice is also possible, so please inquire through the Contact. Registration of various payment information requires prior registration of billing information.

Please refer to the 'Billing Information Settings' chapter for instructions on how to register credit cards and billing information.

How to Create an Instance

The process for creating an instance is as follows:

  1. Log in to KandaSearch.
  2. From the project list screen, click on the name of the target project. (To display the list of projects, click on the KandaSearch logo at the top left of the screen.)
  3. Click on 'CREATE INSTANCE' in the project overview.
  4. Select a plan on the "Plan Selection" screen and click 'NEXT'.
  5. On the 'Payment Method Information' screen, review the payment information and click "NEXT". If payment method and billing information are not registered, please register them. If you are using the Community plan, payment method and billing information registration are not required.
  6. On the 'Instance Information' screen, enter instance information (as described below) and register the source IP address for access to the instance (this step can be omitted here), then click 'NEXT'.
  7. Review the information displayed on the 'Final Confirmation' screen to ensure its accuracy, then click 'CONFIRM'.
  8. The instance overview will be displayed. It may take a few minutes for the instance creation to complete. Once the circular icon next to the instance name at the top of the screen turns green, the creation is complete. If the circular icon does not turn green after a few minutes, click the browser's reload button to refresh the screen.

Instance Information Settings:

  • Solr Version: Select the Solr version. The latest version is available for the Community plan.
  • Instance Name: Enter a name consisting of at least 2 characters for the instance. Input in Japanese is also possible.
  • Instance Description: Enter a brief description of the instance. Input in Japanese is also possible.
  • Instance Subdomain: Used as part of the hostname for accessing the instance from external sources.
  • Logo Image: Specify the logo image for the instance displayed in various locations within the management console.

Managing Instances

The left-side menu of the Instance View includes the following items, allowing you to perform various operations on the instance.

  • Overview: You can check the status of the instance and perform restart actions.
  • Collections: For details, please refer to the chapter on Creating and Managing Collections.
  • Config: For details, please refer to the chapter on Configuration Settings.
  • File Manager: For details, please refer to the chapter on File Management and Operations.
  • Search: For details, please refer to the chapter on Utilization of Search UI.
  • Health Check: For details, please refer to the chapter on Health Check.
  • Monitoring: For details, please refer to the chapter on Resource Monitoring.
  • Settings: You can edit the instance name, configure allowed IP addresses ranges for connections, and delete the instance. (Detailed explanation in the following section)

Instance Overview

On the 'Overview' screen of the instance, you can perform the following checks and operations.

  • Display of instance name, status, plan name, and logo image
  • Display and copy of instance ID
  • Registration of documents to collections within the instance
  • Display and copy of Solr Admin UI URL
  • Display of IP address in CIDR notation allowed for external connections
  • Restart instance (can be done on a per-node basis for SolrCloud)
  • Display of instance storage usage and remaining capacity (hovering over the pie chart shows the remaining capacity)
  • Display of Solr version
  • Display of instance creation date
  • Display of instance creator
  • Display and copy of status per node, and Solr Admin UI URL (for SolrCloud)

Instance Settings

In the "Settings" screen of the instance, you can perform the following checks and operations:

  • Display and edit of instance name, instance description, instance subdomain, and logo image. After editing, click 'UPDATE'.
  • Display and edit of allowed IP address ranges for external connections - To add an IP address range, click '+ ADD A IP ADDRESS RANGE' and enter the IP address in CIDR format. Added IP address ranges can be deleted by clicking 'DELETE' on the respective row. The range of registrable sets varies depending on the pricing plan.
  • Virus scan - You can perform regular virus scans on the instance storage. To enable it, slide the 'Virus Scan' switch to the right to turn it on. The virus scan feature is available in Standard-Pro and above plans.
  • Instance deletion - Click 'DELETE'. In the 'Instance Deletion Confirmation' dialog box, enter the instance name and click 'CONFIRM' to delete the instance. All data and settings related to the instance, including backup data, will be deleted. It's not possible to recover data after this operation.